Our office is responsible for administering Chapter 13 Bankruptcy cases filed in the State of Wyoming and the North Metro Denver, Colorado counties, as well as the Northern and Western parts of Colorado, with Divisions in Fort Collins and Grand Junction.

Making Plan Payments:

1.  The Trustee provides a method by which you can remit payments electronically through a third-party vendor.   Please note that there may be a fee associated with this approach. This system provides a direct deposit using your checking or savings account to make payments to our bank. You can visit the TFS website at www.TFSbillpay.com or call them at 1-888-729-2413.

2.  Our office does not accept cash but will accept personal checks, money orders, and cashier’s checks made payable to “Chapter 13 Trustee.” You can mail the payments to us at P.O. Box 1169, Denver, CO 80201. You must include your name and case number on each payment to ensure the payment will be posted to the correct case.

3.  You may also request a payroll order which requires your employer to withhold the amount of your plan payment from your paycheck and forward the payment to the Trustee. A payroll order helps ensure regular and timely payments, and the successful completion of your plan. If you elect to request a payroll order, be advised that you are responsible for the monthly payments until you see that there has been a deduction from your pay.

4.  You may employ a bill pay service through your checking account, if available.

Reviewing Our Records:

If you are the debtor, debtor’s counsel, creditor, or a party-in-interest, you can review our office’s records by visiting www.NDC.org.

Remitting Documents To Our Office:

Please use the Epiq Document Delivery Portal to upload documents to our office at the link below.  If you do not already have access to the Portal, please contact our office to receive an emailed invitation to use the Portal.  Remember to redact all personally identifiable information from the documents (e.g., social security numbers, children’s names, and bank account numbers).  You can reach the Portal at the following link:  https://documentdelivery.epiqsystems.com

Remitting Proposed Stipulations To Our Office:

If you need our office to review a proposed stipulation, please forward it to the following email address:
